This is a wonderful story of wrapping oneself up in an adopted language and making it one's own. Beautifully written.

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The path you've walked, from focusing on rote memorisation and grammar rules to discovering the joy of self-expression, is a testament to the power of language as a tool for growth and self-discovery. It's heartwarming to hear how writing has become not just an academic exercise but a genuine source of fulfillment and connection.

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Love this! Proud of you Yuezhong. Let’s reconnect on LinkedIn

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I am always so impressed how writers like you can write when English isn't your first language. It's hard enough for native speakers like us. I love this line- "telling them in English felt less judged and exposed, as if my second language protected my stories with a shield." I'm not fluent (yet!) in another language, but I can understand this! Keep going!

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Wonderful essay.

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Can your post be read publicly? I want to reference it for a essay I'm writing.

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