I can't wait to see past lives. I'm a planner too and it's hard to be spontaneous when you have kids, but trying to conjure up the time pre-kids when life was more spontaneous. It will have to be small moments, but that may be enough!

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Hammock naps with no alarms have been my happiness retreats this summer.

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Past Lives is the best movie of the year IMO. Thanks for sharing!

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Pure bliss of spontaneous joy. I can feel it from across the screen. Past Lives is in must watch list. I missed it during the limited screening times here in LA. I hope it'll be showing up at the local art theaters soon.

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We crave these moments. They cleanse and refresh our busy lives with a sense of peace and give us a renewed perspective, even if just for a short time.

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It always a pleasure to be alone and get away from a hectic schedule. Hope you enjoy it.

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I believe there are unplanned slices of joy all around us. We just never look. It sounds like you had a great day. Thanks for the movie introduction. D

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Yuezhong Zheng

So easy to plan out each and every second of our day and remove spontaneous activity from our lives. Happy you had the chance to get that back

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看了Yuezhong小姐姐最近发的内容,好喜欢您的文字,也关注了您的linkedin、ins和twitter~我今年8月去百度USA做data,以前在字节快手平安等实习data一年多,年底申请Stanford KHS,请问可以约Yuezhong一个coffee chat嘛,我的微信是:RB20230228,希望能有个机会向Yuezhong小姐姐学习!谢谢~

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喜欢Yuezhong这个分享🥺平静和unexpected surprise的快乐~最近也很喜欢这句话:两两相忘,才是道有所成

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